
Traveling Recommendations when visiting the Mexican Caribbean

With the goal that tourists who visit the Mexican Caribbean have a safe and enjoyable stay, the Secretary of Tourism of Quintana Roo makes the following recommendations through its "Tourist Attention Program":


  •   Always carry an official photo identification with up-to- date personal information.
  •   Safeguard passport and other important documents; carry a copy of them at all times.
  •   If possible, scan your documents and keep a copy in your email.

Contacts and Information

  •   Always provide information to your family about your travel itinerary (accommodation address, length of stay, contact numbers, among others) in case they need to communicate with you. Keep your family and friends always updated and informed about any changes in your itinerary.
  •   Always carry a list of phone numbers that can be dialed from any phone in case of emergency situations. Carry a list of people that can be contacted in case of emergency.
  •   Download the Guest Assist App and have it on hand for any emergency situation.
  •   Avoid sharing your personal information with strangers; the only personnel allowed to receive information are public officials with accredited Mexican official photo identifications with valid personal data.

Security at the Destination

  •   Respect the laws and indications provided by local authorities at the destination. Also, be respectful about local customs and traditions.
  •   Take care of your personal belongings (jewelry, electronics, bags, backpacks, among others) and if you don´t need them, leave them at your lodging.
  •   Be cautious and only carry the necessary amount of money for your day's activities. Keep any remaining cash in a secure place.
  •   Traveling in a group is more fun and more secure.
  •   Stay away from isolated streets and sites, especially at night.
  •   If you require prescription medication, make sure to bring more than necessary anticipating delays or any other inconvenience.
  •   Know your limits and don't be rash while enjoying the nightlife. Drink responsibly and don't take drugs. The possession and/or consumption of drugs in Mexico are not permitted by Mexican law.
  •   It is not allowed drinking, consuming drugs or other substances in the street, sidewalks, avenues, parks, green areas or any other public place. Also, it is not permitted to walk in public areas under the influence of alcohol or any other drugs.
  •   Possession, use and sale of drugs are considered illegal in Mexico.
  •   Entering Mexico with a firearm, certain types of knives, or even a single round of ammunition is illegal, even if the weapon or ammunition is taken into Mexico unintentionally.
  •   Transporting firearms or ammunition into Mexico and carrying them requires a permit from the Government of Mexico.

At the Hotel

  •   Before you book, don´t forget to research the hotel characteristics, location and look for travelers’ reviews on social media or websites.
  •   Place all valuables in the hotel room safe.
  •   Always lock windows and doors when inside or leaving the room. Check sliding glass doors or windows are locked.
  •   Don’t let anyone into your room without verifying who it is.

Precautions handling cash

  •   If it is necessary to withdraw money from Automatic Teller Machines (ATM), do so in public places, avoid night hours, and if possible while accompanied by a friend.
  •   If it is necessary to exchange currency, seek reliable and authorized establishments to avoid fraud.
  •   Only carry the credit or debit card that you are going to use during the day. Other ones can be left in a safe place.

Taxis and Public Transport

  •   Before you get into a Taxi, write down the taxi´s ID number located on the back or side of the car and the plate number.
  •   Always ask the taxi´s rate before you get in.
  •   Stay alert. Try your best not to sleep if you’re traveling alone.
  •   Keep close control over your bags and packages. Put your bags between your feet or attached to your body even if sleeping.

Car rental

  •   Always wear your seatbelt.
  •   Know and respect the speed limits, traffic signs and driving laws.
  •   Make sure you understand the rental agreement and the insurance coverage.
  •   Inspect your car at the lot. Take pictures if necessary.
  •   Always close the windows and lock car doors when leaving your vehicle
  •   Keep bags, phones and other valuables out of sight.
  •   Do not leave luggage or valuables inside the car, including in the trunk. If it is possible leave them at the hotel.
  •   Make sure you have enough fuel to complete your journey.
  •   Do not use your cell phone or other electronics while driving.
  •   Don´t drive tired or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  •   Park in secure and well-lit areas.
  •   Do not park in forbidden zones and always check if there are parking meters to pay.

At the beach

  •   Respect all lifeguards’ indications.
  •   Do not swim if the beach is marked with red flags.
  •   Remember always wear sunscreen and stay hydrated.
  •   Take with you only some daily cash, leave valuable items at the hotel.
  •   Never leave your belongings unattended.
  •   Beaches in Mexico are Federal Zones and free of charge, however, there are private concession areas. We strongly suggest to always check the price to use facilities such as umbrellas, lounge chairs, towels and others.